Wednesday, January 12, 2011

About seven O'Clock we stopped in a spotted

About seven O'Clock we stopped in a spotted, ordinary inappreciable town. Mistakenly assuming we were stopping for food or to use the toilet, it came as a colossal shock when I was told we had to change to another minibus. I hadn't been told that earlier, and nor it seemed had my fellow passengers. We were total a bit confused and our doubts and suspicions were rapidly magnified a shot arrival of our different driver. Beady-eyed, scruffy and smelling distinctly of rice wine he was not an different that surely instilled confidence. Especially considering I hadn't had the at rest of days so far and was feeling truly fatigued. Now I was stood in a scruffy inappreciable town scattered between the border with Laos, and Vinh, our terminating destination. It was pouring with rain and my different driver appeared almost on one drunk. Vietnamese roads at night have a reputation for being model crowded and model poorly lit. Accidents are workaday and travellers are strongly advised not equal to travel by road after faint.
Not faced with a colossal amount of options I shoved my pack into the bus and jumped in after it. No rapidly had I slammed the door shut we were off. We pulled into the agitated melee of scooters and drove for total of about ten minutes before stopping abruptly. The driver alighted the vehicle and entered what appeared almost on one a house. Quarter of an hour later he re-appeared and came ambling towards the vehicle before slowly and ruggedly re-positioning himself in the driver's seat. His hair was stormy and slicked back and smelt palpably of shampoo. He had likewise changed his clothes. It appeared that our potentially inebriated driver had treated himself to a headlong shower before propelling us to Vinh. Despite having been awakened and on the move for over fifteen hours, and having a rapidly diminishing sense of entertaining, I managed a smile at that man's screwy nerve. I actually truly liked the way that chap conducted himself! I reliable hoped he wasn't really loaded and that we made it to Vinh out of harm's way.

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