Thursday, January 13, 2011

small an Aus- trian private

At first Barney could scarce believe his ears In the dark- ness the sergeant had mistaken him for the sentinel Could he carry it out And if so might it not lead him into worse predicament No, Barney decided, nothing could be worse To be caught masquerading in the uniform of an Austrian soldier within the Austrian lines was to plumb the utter- coach signature small most depth of guilt--nothing that he might do now could make his position worse .
He faced the sergeant, snapping his piece to present, hop- ing that this was the proper thing to do Then he stumbled through a brief excuse The officer in command of the troops that had just passed had demanded the way of him, and he had but stepped a few paces from coach signature small his post to point out the road to his superior .
The sergeant grunted and ordered him to fall in Another man took his place on duty They were far from the enemy and discipline was lax, so the thing was accomplished which under other circumstances would have been well night im- possible A moment later Barney found himself marching back toward the village, to all intents and purposes coach signature small an Aus- trian private .

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