Thursday, January 13, 2011

coach signature small in an or

It was upon the edge of the town, in an orchard, that the sentinel was posted Barney, approaching through the trees, darting from one to another, was within a few paces of the man be- fore he saw him .
The American remained quietly in the shadow of a tree waiting for an opportunity to escape, but before it came he heard the approach of a small body of troops They were coming coach signature small from the village directly toward the orchard They passed the sentry and marched within a dozen feet of the tree behind which Barney was hiding .
As they came opposite him he slipped around the tree to the opposite side The sentry had resumed his pacing, and was now out of sight momentarily among the trees further on He could not see the American, but there were others who coach signature small could They came in the shape of a non-commissioned officer and a detachment of the guard to relieve the sentry Barney almost bumped into them as he rounded the tree There was no escape--the non-commissioned officer was within two feet of him when Barney discovered him "What are you doing here" shouted the sergeant with an oath "Your post is there," and he pointed toward the position where Barney had coach signature small seen the sentry .

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