Friday, January 14, 2011

When he finally managed to roll over

Stanley took a shower— if you could call it that, ate dinner— if you could call it that,
and went to bed— if you could call his smelly and scratchy cot a bed.Because of the
scarcity of water, each camper was only allowed a buy wow gold four-minute shower. It took
Stanley nearly that long to get used to the cold water. There was no knob for hot water. He
kept stepping into, then jumping back from, the spray, until the water shut off
automatically. He never managed to use his bar of soap, which was just as well, because he
wouldn't have had time to rinse off the suds.Dinner was some kind of stewed meat and
vegetables. The meat was brown and the vegetables had once been green. Everything tasted
pretty much cheap wow gold the same. He ate it all, and used his slice of white bread to
mop up the juice. Stanley had never been one to leave food on his plate, no matter how it
"What'd you do?" one of the buy wow gold campers asked him.
At first Stanley didn't know what he meant.

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