Wednesday, January 12, 2011

After waiting around for what seemed an eternity it was our vehicle's turn to approach the border guards

After waiting around for what seemed an eternity it was our vehicle's turn to approach the border guards. I was stamped expired of Laos with the slightest of fuss. Confirming my suspicions that something uncertain was truly going on, I witnessed my driver palm a border accredited any money. The search of our vehicle was suddenly limited itemized than plastic and with the cardboard boxes officially ignored we were waved through. Towards the Vietnamese sideways of the border!
Being the only westerner in our group I had to wander over to the imposing Immigration Building on my peculiar. My heart was in my mouth as I presented my passport to the deadpan accredited. As he thumbed through my passport to find my visa I realised that my urgent inevitable ordinary in view of this silent man's hands. I felt limited than comfortable. Soon decent he had located my visa and was beckoning over his stony-faced colleague. After a limited, unreadable conversation the further man walked forth. The man behind the plexi-glass coughed, yawned and suddenly looked me legal in the eyes. My heart sank. He cleared his throat, it was the moment of truth.
The Immigration accredited spoke. My heart was beating extremely loudly in my ears I thought he said $10. He did say $10! I slipped the note under the table and watched as he placed that heavenly stamp in my passport, slid it back to me and waved me into Vietnam. Easy. What had I been worrying about?

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