Tuesday, May 10, 2011

They've long been my preference

It's a start, and it only took the owner, Frank Gattina, having a heart attack to make the change Carrera Sunglasses. I've frequented pubs, bars and pool halls in more progressive cities, most recently Chicago. Coming back here, it's such a drag (no pun intended) to find most of Birmingham's nightspots smell like the inside of Sloss Furnaces during its heyday.
While I don't visit Pelham often, I will make a note of Poppa G's change for future pool outings or social gatherings Oakley Sunglasses. It would be outstanding if more metro establishments went nonsmoking, too, whether for health or aesthetic reasons. Realistically, though, it will probably take a statewide law to enact real change. It's great to know The News' editorial page keeps advocating for this badly needed improvement.
In the meantime, consumers will have to vote with their feet and spend money at nonsmoking venues Chanel Sunglasses. They've long been my preference.

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