Sunday, March 13, 2011

to the lucky survivors of the seven students

Families of missing persons
Questioned the construction quality
CTV news the past few days building up close many times, the building is the most serious damage to the entire city buildings, is the only fully collapsed buildings. This 6-storey building only the walls of the dark side of the burned residue in there. It is understood that when the earthquake happened in an instant on the CTV building collapsed completely, and then the building collapsed and there have been several violent explosions. Tory Burch Sandals
Last year, after the earthquake
Walls are cracked
Guangzhou Ji Ye missing Yecai Ying's uncle raised questions sent to reporters: "Why only this building fall down? Is not the building itself is a quality problem?"
Lee was the father of the missing Continuous Increase student, said he heard that CTV building last September's 7.1 magnitude earthquake has become loose, but no one to carry out maintenance.
He proposed this question: "around the building are good, why only this building collapsed buildings?" MBT M.Walk Shoes
Layer 3 in the CTV Building, King College of Education a total of 25 Chinese students, of them 18 were missing in the earthquake. Contact reporter was removed to the lucky survivors of the seven students.

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