Sunday, March 13, 2011

to run the script engine in order to raise the speed

Beijing March 2 evening news, according to informed sources, Microsoft could be held in Bangalore, India posted IE9 Tech.Ed Technology Conference final version of the browser.
Tech.Ed Technology Conference will be held March 23 to 25 held. Indian companies in the Microsoft MSDN mistakes, on the Tweet IE9 leaked the news of the browser market, rumors about this product then has flourished. Microsoft MSDN India's official Twitter account in its news release: "IE9 will be held on March 24 officially released TechEd conference. MBT Karibu Shoes " But shortly afterwards, this news from Microsoft India's Twitter MSDN been deleted.
According to sources, Microsoft Internet Explorer and the Windows Live Business Group, general manager Brian Hall (Brian Hall) will be held March 24 at the Tech.Ed keynote speech technology conference, when he might announce the official launch of IE9 message. Early February 2011, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer (Steve Ballmer MBT Kimondo Shoes ) has said, IE9 is expected to be available in March. February 10, Microsoft launched a preview version of the final IE9.
Relative to the previous version, IE9 biggest change is to support multiple standards for CSS 3, JavaScript performance has been improved, the new WIC decoder can also read the color image embedded in the configuration, including the ICC v2, ICC v4 and so on. Other features include tracking and protection (Tracking Protection MBT Fora Shoes ), allows users to surf to stop all forms of tracking. In addition, users can also browse web pages use "ActiveX filter" turned off ActiveX, in order to prevent ActiveX controls. Chakra IE9 also supports the new hardware to run the script engine in order to raise the speed.

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