Tuesday, April 12, 2011

When we get to the Fourth Quarter of a year

When we get to the Fourth Quarter of a year, our attitude and effort wanes, just as the year slides into the downhill slope. Are the people around you showing signs of a slump in their attitude and their efforts? Are You? Use your Right Now Moment to determine to refresh yourself, get re-energized, and get back to the first quarter's sense of accomplishment. You only need your own re-focusing and discipline to do it. I have the delightful opportunity to attend networking events in several cities due to the wide ranging proximity of my clients, friends and family Versace Sunglasses. I recently attended one such event that followed the 80/20 rule closely. 80% of the people I spoke with complained about being too busy during the holidays, their cold/flu bug or that the year went by so fast that they barely made a mark on their goals. It was easy to back out of these weighty conversations at my earliest opportunity. Then there was that refreshing 20% who were eager to discuss all that they were involved and concluding in the coming few weeks. They were alive and vibrant. Their energy was magnetic compared to the stale energy of the previous 80%. It was no surprise to stand at the perimeter of the room for the global view that mirrored my earlier observation. As I observed, I could see that 20% of the folks were talking animatedly, laughing, interesting and there was an outer circle around them waiting to speak with them. Many of the remaining 80% either complained to each other in a dreary tone or stood alone. This behavior was testimony not only to that event, but to the state of affairs of their life. Miserable people have a tendency to bring others down to their level Bvlgari Sunglasses. People who are ambitious and excited about their life naturally pull others up to their level. This phenomenon is especially obvious during times of stress and during the holidays (which to many are one in the same). If you slid into the 80% arena, you can make a change now and get out of there. You have a gift of nearly four more months this year. Focus on what you want to accomplish during this valuable period. When you looked at this New Year, what did you determine you would accomplish? What was this year going to be all about for you? Better health, richer relationships, and higher professional triumphs? It's not too late. Just shake off the disappointment and heaviness. What would you be able to eliminate in the next four weeks to renew your goals for the year. Then, write it down. Put disciplines into place to accomplish some or all of these goals or to lay the groundwork for higher success in your coming year. Sure, you may not have attained optimal health as you had planned, but you can certainly put practices into place to move you beyond where you are today and to set you up beautifully for the New Year. Please don't waste these vital weeks ahead languishing with the attitude of the 80% out there Gucci Sunglasses. That is not my readership. When you belong to the 20%, you make things happen through effort, focus and discipline. Become a role model to those around you. Enjoy your discoveries and take on the renewal!Article Tags: Fourth Quart

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