Tuesday, April 26, 2011

who looked down on that latter group

More immediately, it raises questions about the makeup of the 2012 Olympic team Prada Sunglasses. The general assumption was the 2008 winners would mostly return. Though in talent, it’s already clear some of the young guys have passed them with Rose and Westbrook likely superior to Williams and Chris Paul. You’d easily take Durant over Anthony and Love over Chris Bosh. Kobe Bryant will be too old and beaten up, most likely, and Jason Kidd, Michael Redd, Carlos Boozer and Tayshaun Prince likely wouldn’t be candidates. Which leaves Howard, who played behind Bosh because he can’t shoot, LeBron and Wade? I wouldn’t be surprised to see LeBron and Wade take a pass given the season long endurance race they have with the Heat and having played for several USA teams Louis Vuitton Sunglasses.
If that happens, it likely wouldn’t upset coach Mike Krzyzewski in the least. Chairman Jerry Colangelo always says you’ve built up credits by playing before, and you’d think he’d push for the game’s top names. But intimates say Krzyzewski loved coaching the 2010 team amidst the growing attitude of the 2008 players Replica Oakley Sunglasses, who looked down on that latter group.

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