Monday, April 4, 2011

I love to help my clients and I'm blessed

I love to help my clients and I'm blessed they recognize the energy I invest in to providing a MBT Salama,high-value service. As an Entrepreneur I sense you probably hear the same a lot, too, yes?

It's important to offer this type of service (especially because it can be hard to find these days) AND it's also important to not confuse high-value service with lack of boundaries. You'll know exactly the moment this pops up. A client expects something that is not included in their program and doesn't seem to have any awareness that this is the case. You'll also FEEL it the moment this pops up. Perhaps it'll show itself to you in the form of a sinking feeling in your stomach, a touch of anger in your throat or just overall irritation. The most important thing is to be prepared to deal with it MBT Changa Cork with what I can "Gracious Strength."


This is an Entrepreneur Muscle that you must constantly strengthen. No one else can do it but you. And you most likely will get the opportunity to strengthen it. I like to refer to these moments as "the Universe handing you the next steps to your business." So when a client tries to push your business boundaries think of it as a gift. It's an opportunity for growth. For you AND for them. It's a call to love yourself AND your client.

Here's an example of what I mean: Janet is a Professional Organizer. She has a steady business, but would like to see more growth. Her clients love her. She has one client, Lori, who is consistently rescheduling, is often on the phone when Janet arrives for their MBT Habari organizing sessions and pushes their ending time with "just one more question."

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