Monday, April 4, 2011

In Janet's situation

In Janet's situation, she can tell her client, Lori, that she needs her to be prepared for their organizing sessions by doing x, y and z before Janet gets there (including ending all phone calls at least 5 minutes before). The truth is clients MBT Panda,WANT you to hold the space for their greatness to be activated. That's why they hired you! You accomplish this by clearly stating what you need in order for the work to take place. Your clients can then choose whether they are willing to participate at the level you expect. I know when I work with a coach, healer or helper of any kind this is what I'm paying for. I haven't hired someone to allow me to be what I've always been, thank you very much.

Which leads me to tip #2...

Tip#2: Call It Out Right Away  

When I worked with teenagers as a high school drama teacher I learned pretty early on that teens had a keen, collective sense of when a teacher had a "leadership crack". That one moment MBT Imara Sandals
could turn a classroom into chaos. The thing is adults aren't any different they just push the crack in a less obvious way. But we're all intuitive beings - even when it works against us - if we sense we can get away with something (especially if it's a habit that hasn't served us well) we'll push when we see an opening.

So I've learned to be clear and to the point at all times, not just sometimes and to have my antennas up. I have a tendency to see immediately when a client is using excuses, avoiding, resisting or over-thinking a recommendation. This usually means MBT Sirima,that the client doesn't want to move forward on a certain aspect of our work for whatever reason, and in most cases, that the client will eventually not see the results they signed up to get from our work together. I ask the client right from the beginning of our coaching journey if I have permission to gently call them on this when I see it and then, if I have to, I do.

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