Monday, April 4, 2011

The Law is activated

The Law is activated, but the energy is being directed away from what they say they want. So there is an energy mis-match, but the Law doesn't know this. It's just MBT Tembea Shoes,following the natural, energetic flow of the science that created it.

I learned how to turn this around for myself in a big way and to really have this Law working for me: I behaved AS IF I could find an affordable apartment in Manhattan. Did it. I behaved AS IF I could find true-love after 30. Did it. I behaved AS MBT Karani,IF I could make a highly-profitable living as a coach. Doing it.

I now hold the energy of the Law of AS IF for all my Clients and teach specific techniques and tools that has each Entrepreneur activating this for themselves as a consistent part of the growth of their business.

What is it about this Law that works? Some may say it enlists the aid of the subconscious mind and I sense this is part of it, but I also sense that there is something HUGE at  MBT Chapa Shoeswork here. When you feel a desire to do or to be something you haven't done or been before, you are responding to a divine idea pushing toward manifestation. When you consciously resolve to take action toward realization of that desire, you mentally CLAIM your good. When you behave AS IF you can accomplish your desire, you totally believe that it will be fulfilled. Total belief is active belief including both mental acceptance of the idea and positive action upon it. That's it. AND such belief both springs from and activates faith -- the mightiest power of all.

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