Monday, April 4, 2011

Do you have many ideas spinning around

Do you have many ideas spinning around in your brain, and you're not sure which ones to act on first? This is a common blessing us creative entrepreneurs have; but it can drive use crazy, too, because we know we can't act on all of our ideas at once.

It's important we get our arms around ideas that are worthwhile pursuing, mainly, ones that will increase our income, and "tame", or set aside, those that won't help us reach our MBT Maliza Shoes,goals.

Here's a quick and simple to do tip that will help you decide which ideas will pay off, and which ideas you should set off to the side (or even discard).

First, grab a stack of paper and a pen, and write down each idea on its own piece of paper at the top.

Next, for each idea, ask yourself these questions:

1. Will this idea add money to my bank account (or add subscribers to my list)?

Write down "yes" or "no" on the paper. For all those ideas that receive a "no" and don't make the cut, you can either hold onto them and put them in an "idea stack", or discard the papers to clear up your mental space.

2. If your answer is "yes", then ask yourself, "How much money will this add to my bank account, and by what date?"

Write down the dollar amount, and MBT Changa, date. Be very specific about these numbers, but realistic, as well.

3. Ask yourself, "If I don't pursue this idea, what will I lose?"

Write down what the effect on your business would be by not following through on this idea. Many times, if you don't stand to lose that much, the idea probably isn't worthwhile pursuing. If its affect is significant, then you might be on to an idea worth pursing!

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