Monday, April 4, 2011

Remembering Your Customers' Birthday

3 Remembering Your Customers' Birthday - I once read that a person's birthday is the most important day in their life. Going out of your way to remember a customer's birthday will definitely touch their heart and make you a friend. Take advantage MBT Kimondo,of this little secret with a personal card or note and make your sales soar. Many businesses use this technique.

4 Adding on Extra Services to Your Existing Service - Do you run a house painting business for example? Have you thought about adding on pressure washing, evestroff cleaning, driveway sealing, MBT Kaya,window washing or light carpentry? These add-ons are an excellent way to increase or improve your weekly profits and you won't have to keep advertising as much to keep profits coming in.

5 Offering A Monthly Or Seasonal Continuity Program - Getting customers on a continuous service program can make your sales flow on auto-pilot. Just as Netflicks offers movies for a low monthly membership fee, Block Buster has been doing it in their stores for years MBT Sirima Shoes, also. For $24.95 a month you get to watch all the movies you want. This locks in and guarantees your repeat business.

Window washing is a perfect example of a continuity program. Most commercial window washing accounts expect you to come back weekly or monthly. It wouldn't be hard to get homeowners on a continuous spring and fall window cleaning account. Just about any business can take advantage of a continuity program and watch their sales dramatically improve.

The main point to all this is that people will automatically tell others about your great service even more than they already do now if you use creative marketing to increase or improve your sales. You can literally have customers eating out of your hand and sending you so much business that you won't have to advertise for years to come. Add that to all the other creative ways you have to improve your sales and you will be as sound as a pound!

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