Monday, April 4, 2011

If you love your business

If you love your business, it won't take much effort on your part to discover new effective ways to improve your sales. Once your new business is operating smoothly the extra profits can fall right into place by doing creative things like...  ,

1 Sending out Thank You or Customer Appreciation Cards - People like to be appreciated. Sending out an unexpected "thank you for all your business over the years" or "thank you MBT Lami Shoes,for your business", or referrals given by customers etc. is good business and will increase your sales. Customers like to be appreciated.

2 Sending Gift Cards to Customers Who Refer You To Others And Get You Business - If you run a service type of business you may have had certain customers refer you to their friends and family. These customers may have gotten you thousands of dollars in work over the years from referring you to others. They might deserve a gift MBT Mojacertificate to a fancy restaurant or something. This can only sweeten your business relationships.

Years ago when I was in Amway my upline distributor sold $200 worth of gift albums to a real estate agent in one day. The way these gift albums work is simple. For example you send a customer a $50 gift album. The customer can choose from a series of gifts in that album that are all priced the same.

Back then, these albums cost anywhere from $25 to $250 I believe. A very nice, professional and handy way to say "thank you" to our valuable customers for their business or referrals! MBT Kisumu 2 These gifts (or money) can also be given to other businesses that refer you to new customers as well to increase your sales.

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